École Herbert Spencer Elementary – School/Site Safety Plan

Further to the District Biohazardous Exposure Control Plan and the COVID-19 Health & Safety Plan (V2.0), this addendum represents the site specific application of most effective to least effective measures to mitigate the risk of COVID-19 transmission, where practicable.

The following additional measures are listed below:

Learning Space Configuration

  • Desks and tables have been arranged to maximize space between staff/students.
    • Where possible, people are arranged to minimize facing one another directly, i.e., collaboration spaces are spaced apart and independent activity is encouraged.
    • Assigned seating is arranged.
  • If weather permits and without impact on HVAC systems, staff have been advised to open windows.

Cleaning and disinfection

  • As per section 3.0 Work Environment & 4.0 Cleaning and disinfection protocols.
  • Teachers and support staff have been provided with disinfection solution and microfibre cloths have been trained on their safe use.

Ventilation and air exchange

  • School’s ventilation system is serviced and operating to specifications. It is regularly checked by District Maintenance staff and those same staff are available for emergency or non-emergency callout.

Other additional Environmental Measures:

  • Handwashing and Sanitizing
    • Hand sanitizing stations are located outside the main front doors, at the garage door entrance, outside of the Staff Room and outside of the Flex Room.
    • Hand sanitizer is available in all classrooms and common areas. Refills are available upon request (refills are in the Flex Room).
    • Each classroom (including Modular Classrooms) has access to a sink, soap and paper towel.
  • Cleaning and Disinfecting
    • Each classroom and work area (e.g., photocopy rooms, gym, staff room) is equipped with hand sanitizer and disinfection products.
    • A disinfecting schedule has been created to ensure all high-touch areas and items are disinfected at least twice during the school day.
    • Refilling water station is cleaned and disinfected and can be used to refill personal containers.
    • Excess equipment, materials and furniture, as well as soft, fabric and/ or hard to clean items, have been removed from classrooms to allow for more thorough cleaning.
    • Toys, sports equipment, scooters, stuffed animals/plush toys, etc. are not to be brought to school. This is communicated daily to staff and students during Morning Announcements and to families in a weekly newsletter.
  • Visual Reminders and Signage
    • Visual cues (arrows) for traffic flow and physical distancing have been installed throughout the school.
    • Posters and signage are displayed in classrooms and hallways to remind all of Health & Safety Guidelines. Specifically: physical distancing, hand washing, room capacity notifications.
    • Divisions have assigned locations for lining up for transitions inside and outside of the school. These locations are physically distant, and a map has been created for reference.
  • Learning and Working Space Configurations
    • Changes to seating arrangements are kept at a minimum. If seating arrangements change, staff is to provide administration with an updated copy on the same day.
    • Plexiglass shields and face shields are available to be used as required.
    • Main Office
      • Main office opening is covered by plexiglass.
      • Decals indicate 2 m physical distancing.

Entrance & Exits

To avoid crowding in common spaces, entrance and exits students enter and exit in single file and are led by their classroom teachers. Multiple designated entry/exit points are assigned to accommodate for staggered entry/exit and a map has been created for reference.

Floor plans with exits and entrances marked with pedestrian directions, where applicable, are available to staff at each site/school.

Physical distancing outside of learning groups are maintained

  • where possible at 2m between staff and students when indoors for elementary
  • physical distancing posters are posted in high visibility/traffic areas

Learning groups/cohorts remain consistent and are changed on a minimal frequency (i.e. quarter semester or not at all throughout the school year.)

Staff only common spaces (e.g. break rooms, copy rooms, mail room, etc.)

  • Visual cues on occupancy limits, and posters on physical distancing, hand hygiene, ‘how to wear a face masks’ are posted. Limits are strictly enforced.
  • Opportunities for food preparation and or food consumption have been removed or restricted.

Itinerant Staff workspace has been designated, extra supplies of the disinfection solution, hand hygiene stations, and/or physical barriers are provided. Workspace assignment is centralized in the general office. Refer to personal measures for daily health check.

TTOC, Sub EA, casual support staff have been instructed to follow protocols and site-specific orientation protocols are provided at each school/site. Limits are strictly enforced. Refer to personal measures for daily health check.

All visitors are required to complete a daily health check prior to entry. Visitors are not permitted to enter the site unless are such entry is deemed essential by the Principal or designate.

Other additional Administrative Measures:

  • Learning Group Protocols
    • Learning groups consist of individual classes only.
    • No events that bring staff and students together outside of regular learning activities occur on this site.
    • Staff who routinely interact with more than one learning group (e.g., itinerant teachers, administration, EAs) MUST practice physical distancing AND wear a non-medical mask at all times (plexiglass shields and face shields are available to be used as required).
    • Staff interacting with anyone outside of their learning group MUST practice physical distancing AND wear a non-medical mask.
  • Occupancy limits are posted in elevators and common spaces (e.g., office, photocopy room).
  • Health & Safety Reminders
    • Daily Health Declaration is included in the sign in & sign out binder.
    • Students are provided with daily health and safety reminders through the morning announcements.
    • Staff are provided with health and safety reminders through the morning announcements, weekly staff newsletter, weekly Monday Morning check-in, and staff meetings.
    • Families are provided with health and safety reminders through weekly newsletter and information posted on the school and school district’s websites.
  • Gym Protocols
    • Staff is encouraged to take students outside for vigorous gym and/ or physical activity.
    • Staff disinfects gym equipment after each gym block.
    • Hand sanitizer, disinfectant and microfibre cleaning cloths are available in the gym.
  • Staff Room / Food (Staff)
    • Only fridge, kettle and microwave are available and must be disinfected after each use.
    • Staff may not bring in food to be shared (e.g., birthday treats, baking).
    • Staff may use multiple locations to eat their lunches in order to ensure physical distancing (e.g., staff room, library, computer lab, gym, their own classroom).
  • Food (Students)
    • Students are not allowed to share food.
    • Students are not allowed to bring in food or presents to be shared (e.g., birthday or holiday treats or presents).
  • Recess and Lunch
    • There are two recess and lunch times to reduce the number of students playing outside at a given time.
    • Students are regularly reminded to engage in non-contact play.
    • Soccer has been permitted (in assigned locations) to encourage play within learning groups.
  • Entry/ Exit Routines (entry, recess, lunch, dismissal)
    • Classroom teachers and EAs collect their classes from the outside line-ups and walk them inside to ensure physical distancing.
    • Classes enter and exit the school using different routes and doors in order to maintain distancing.
  • Visitors
    • Visitors are only allowed to enter through the main front doors.
    • Hand sanitizer and signage regarding the Daily Health Declaration have been placed OUTSIDE of the main front doors for visitors prior to entry (and again within the school’s foyer).
    • Visitors must sign- in and sign out at the front office.

Daily Health Checks

  • Staff and all other adult visitors are required to declare that they have passed a daily health check. Declaration sheet is located at first point of entry on site.
  • Parents and students are been reminded of their responsibilities in the weekly newsletter.
  • Strategically located posters remind all of the Daily Health Check requirements.
  • During staff meetings and PA announcements, staff and students are reminded to complete the daily health check each day and before entering the school/site.

 Stay Home When Sick Messaging

  • During staff meetings and PA announcements, staff and students are reminded to stay home when sick.
  • Strategically located posters/signage reminders.

Other additional Personal Measures

  • OHS is a rolling agenda topic in staff meetings.
  • Hand Hygiene
    • Staff and students practice hand hygiene after entering the school, prior to exiting the school (recess, lunch, dismissal), before and after eating, after using the washroom, before and after handling shared materials, before and after transitioning to various locations around the school (gym, library, technology, exploratories).
  • Respiratory Etiquette
    • Staff and students are encouraged to practice proper respiratory etiquette.
    • Cough and sneeze into elbow or tissue (and then wash hands).
    • Dispose of used tissues immediately (and then wash hands).
    • Limit touching of face.


  • Staff, itinerant staff, and visitors (who are able to), wear masks in accordance with the K-12 Health & Safety Guidelines.
  • Students (who are able to), wear masks in accordance with the K-12 Health & Safety Guidelines.
  • Extra supply of masks are available at the front desk for those how have forgotten theirs.
  • Extra dust masks or non surgical masks are provided in each classroom’s emergency bag.

Other additional PPE Measures:

  • Questions regarding PPE will be answered by administration.
  • OHS is a rolling agenda topic in staff meetings.
  • PPE
    • Each staff member was provided with two reusable face masks.
    • All staff must wear a mask at all times (unless they are at their work station or teaching area AND are more than 2m away from a student).
    • Staff and students have access to single-use face masks upon request.
      • Staff and student sizes are available in the Flex Room.
    • Plexiglass shields and face shields are available to be used as required.
