News & Events

January 10, 2025

Principal’s Message – January 10

Dear École Herbert Spencer Community!


Please see the following information, updates, reminders and an important request:


Traffic and School Safety

Traffic around the school at pick up and drop off times continues to be of major concern. Congestion on Second and Princess Streets often makes it very difficult and dangerous for pedestrians to access the school safely. Our Community, with leadership from several concerned parents, have been very successful toward having the City of New Westminster further address safety at the Second Street and Sixth Avenue intersection and we look forward to changes to improve pedestrian safety in this area.

The School is asking parents to please be more mindful at pick up and drop off times. Concerning behaviours such as double parking, parking too close to intersections blocking pedestrian views, making U-turns, and driving too quickly continue to be a daily problem. The sounds of horns honking at 8:45 AM and 2:55 PM are all too common and signs the area is far too busy, and adults are too often making poor choices. We all want our children to be safe and we need to set an example and do better.

One of the best ways to improve this area is to arrive earlier, park further away and make the short walk to drop off and pick up your child. There is ample parking further down Sixth Avenue in both directions and on neighbouring side streets, and the short walk will keep the area immediately around the school much less congested and safer for our families. We understand schedules can be tight, that walking to school is not an option for all families, and some caregivers need to park closer as they may have mobility issues. However we ask you, no we challenge you, to please do your best to not be a part of this problem – try parking and walking for the safety of our community.

Thank you for your efforts and support to make our School Community safer.


Student Learning Survey – Grade 4 Families 

Grade 4 Families (Students and Parents) are invited to participate in the 2024/25 Student Learning Survey (SLS). Students will complete an online version at school and parents are asked to complete a Parent Version, a paper copy and more information about the survey can be found here: Student Learning Survey – Parent/Caregiver Version. The parent and guardian/caregiver survey can be completed online and is now available in 16 different languages. The survey will be available until May 2nd, and will take approximately 30 minutes to complete.

You can access the survey here:

If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at


Middle Years Diagnostic Instrument – Grade 5 Families

Grade 5 students across the New Westminster School District are invited to participate in the MDI (Middle Years Development Instrument) survey at the end of January. The MDI includes questions about social and emotional development, health, school experiences, connectedness, and out of school time. Students in Grade 5 will complete the MDI during class time in January/February. Families of Herbert Spencer Grade 5 students have received a separate email from the school with more information. If you wish for your child to be withdrawn from the survey, please visit the following link:

MDI – Parent/ Guardian Consent

If you have further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Ms Simran Hare at


Calendar Dates:

Jan 13     Sports of All Sorts Grade 4 – 5 Afterschool Program begins
Jan 15     Sports of All Sorts Grade 1 – 3 Afterschool Program begins
Jan 28    Forest Family Fun (Wear your FAMILY COLOURS)
Jan 28    Elementary Collaboration Day – Dismissal at 12:05PM
Jan 30    Seeds of Leadership Afterschool Program begins
Feb 14     Professional Development Day – School is Closed
Feb 17     Family Day – School is Closed
Feb 24    Forest Family Fun (Wear your FAMILY COLOURS)

March 17 – 28      Spring Break – School is Closed


Useful Links:

École Herbert Spencer Website
École Herbert Spencer 2024-25 Calendar
Fun Lunch Ordering Information
School Cash Online Information
Family Portal Instructions for Parents
Key Registration Dates for 2025-26 School Year

My Ed BC Parent Portal instructions